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December 15, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday December 15,2014
Town Hall Annex
January 11, 2015

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Ron Milenski, Andy Brown

Meeting Commenced – Approximately 7 pm in the Annex

Minutes of November Meeting were not available.

Anderson Family Lot Purchase
The family is still discussing how many lots they want to purchase.

Twitchell Lot Status
The Twitchell heir has indicated they no longer want the lot and are willing to give it back to the town. This “no fund” transfer will be confirmed..
This clears the way for the Litttlefield family’s request for purchase of 4 contiguous lots. All Commission members present approved this action.

Cochren Lot Buy-Back
Cochrens have indicated they want to sell back a 4 body lot 6’6” by 16’ for $400. All commission members present were in favor of this action.

Purchase Limits for the Superintendent
The commission felt the superintendent should be charged with staying within the budget and he should not be micromanaged by the commission.

Princeton Historical Commission
Shelia Dubman from the PHC asked that we share their minutes as a way of keeping in touch with their ongoing Cemetery repair program.
They are putting the gravestone fragments discovered in Meetinghouse Cemetery in the large plastic boxes purchased for the occasion which will be buried in the cemetery in the Spring.

Superintendent’s Report
Andy Brown submitted a 2 page report of his actions and plans.
In summary, the cemeteries are closed for the season until April.
There were no burials and no lot sales.

Budget for ’16 was discussed. We plan to continue operations at essentially the current level. Specifics need to be worked out and submitted to the Town Manager per his request.

A capital equipment item we may include is a new mower for about $3500 to $5000 depending on what design is requested with a riding mower being the more expensive and a walking mower, the less expensive. The merits of each design were discussed. The superintendent was asked to get further details on the several options so we can discuss the item at our next meeting in January.

Next meeting
The next meeting of the Cemetery Commission is scheduled for Monday January 11, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:55 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
